Señor Foodblog

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Mac and Cheese

Did someone say macaroni and cheese?  I love to make and eat macaroni and cheese, doesn't everyone?  I guess not but it is safe to say that most of us associate fun memories with eating the good old mac and cheese.   I have been on a life long quest to find the best mac and cheese recipe. I must have made it ten different ways by now.  I bet you would say, "My mom makes the best!"  Ok, I would accept that…. it's mom after all.  But really…who has the best recipe? It might surprise you but I think that Luby's mac and cheese is pretty darn good.  Mrs. Food turned up with the Luby's recipe book and I immediately broke out the pans and went to work.


2-cups dry elbo macaroni

1-2 tbls nonfat dry milk powder

2 tbls all-purpose flour

1 tbls butter

1 ¼ cup boiling water

3-cups American cheese...about 12oz shredded

1 small can green Hatch green chiles (my addition)

1-cup rice crispy squares (my addition)

¼ tsp salt


Cook macaroni according to package directions.

Heat oven to 350º F.

In a large bowl, mix dry milk, flour, and butter.

Gradually add boiling water, beating constantly.

Add 1 1/4 of the cheese, green chilies and continue beating until smooth and creamy.

Stir in macaroni, 1 cup of the remaining cheese, and salt.

Transfer to lightly greased 2-qt baking dish.

Cover with foil.

Bake 25 minutes.

Remove foil.

Sprinkle with remaining 1/2-cup cheese.

Crunch up rice crispy squares and sprinkle over top

Continue baking until rice crispy brown or until you can't wait any more.

Serve ... and enjoy


I am such a little piggy; I usually make a double batch. This goes well with just about anything and its kid friendly… I have the official title of Uncle Food around a number of my friend's homes.  Give it a try and let me know what you think.


Have a Cheesy day.

Mr. Foodblog

Friday, October 06, 2006


Last week, I received a little note from my friend Janice asking how Mr. Food was able to eat out all the time?

Well, I had to stop for a second and think about the question. Like a lot of you folks, I just get caught up in the river of life and sometimes I just don’t have time or I am far too tired to cook my own meals. I then thought about the meals I do cook, when I cook, and it occurred to me that most of my recent in house cooking adventures involved preparing breakfast for Mrs. Food and the many guest we always have staying at what I like to refer to as “ The Hotel Asparagus“…my home. I do most of the cooking around our house while Mrs. Food does most if not all the laundry. Guys just tell your mate about the many times you turned everything pink doing laundry during your younger/college days and I promise you will never have to do laundry again.

These past few days I have been eating a lot of Huevos Rancheros while Mrs. Food had been eating a combination of low fat prepared breakfasts from Diet Gourmet out of Dallas, Texas…(good for the body stuff). I personally think my huevos are the best around:

2 - eggs
1 - bottle of salsa ( as much as you like to use )
2 - Abuela raw tortillas (smuggled from the Texas Valley by Brother-in-Law Food)
And a little love to finish it out.

I preheat two skillets, one 9inch and one 12inch.
I begin with a large cup of coffee made very, very black and thick like motor oil!
I start cooking the tortillas in the 9inch while I cover the 12inch with a handy saucepan top.
As I put the second tort on to cook, I apply oil to the 12inch and add my eggs.
Quickly, I pour salsa over my eggs and cover with lid…. please remember not to turn you burner up to high, you will burn the eggs. Let the eggs poach slowly, gently in the salsa with that little love, I spoke about.
At this time, if I feel extra frisky…I start more coffee.
Serve when your eggs are cooked to your specs…sunny side up for me.

This is what I like for breakfast…quick, home made torts (Abuela torts because they have about half the fat of the raw tortillas you can buy here in Austin…let me know if I wrong about this) and spicy happy eggs. It is so nice not to have to rush in the morning, just kick back, relax, eat my food and listen to a little NPR.

Have a good huevo day.
Mr. Food